Sunday, April 7, 2024

நதீகா பண்டாரவின் ஹா ஹா ஹா உல்லாச விஷாத: நாடகம்

Hilarious poison

நான் இலங்கை சென்றிருந்தபோது கேகே சமன் குமரவுடனும் நதீகாவுடனும்தான் தங்கியிருந்தேன். அந்த அனுபவங்களையே என் உல்லாசம் உல்லாசம் நாவலிலும் பதிவு செய்திருந்தேன். அதில் நதீகாவின் பகுதி பலஹீனமாக இருப்பதாக சீனி சொன்னதால் அதை இன்னும் வலுவாக்கி எழுதிக்கொண்டிருக்கிறேன்.

நான் தில்லியில் பன்னிரண்டு ஆண்டுகள் இருந்ததால் சர்வதேச நாடகப் போக்குகள் பற்றி அறிவேன். நாடகத் துறை இன்னும் நான் நினைக்கும் அளவு வளரவில்லை. என்னுடைய நாடகத்தில் பத்துப் பன்னிரண்டு பேர் நிர்வாணமாக வர வேண்டும் என்றால், உடலுறவுக் காட்சிகள் இருக்கும் என்றால், அதற்கெல்லாம் அனுமதி இல்லை. அமெரிக்காவில் கூட அது மாற்று நாடக அரங்குகளில்தான் சாத்தியம். அது பற்றி எனக்கு அதிகம் தெரியவில்லை. டி.டி.ஆர். என சுருக்கமாக அழைக்கப்படும் நாடகத்துக்கான இதழ் தெ ட்ராமா ரெவ்யூவிலும் அதிக விவரங்கள் இல்லை.

ஆனால் சினிமா அப்படி இல்லை. ரியூ முராகாமியின் படங்கள் நீலப் படங்களையே தாண்டக் கூடியவை. கேதரீன் ப்ரேயாவின் (Catherine Breillat) படங்களை நீங்கள் பார்த்திருக்கலாம். ரொமான்ஸ் என்ற படம் ஒரு உதாரணம். ஆனால் நாடகங்களில் அது சாத்தியப்படவில்லை. அரசு நிறுவனங்கள் அதை அனுமதிப்பதில்லை. இந்த நிலையில் நதீகாவின் ஹாஹாஹா உல்லாச விஷாத சர்வதேச நாடக அரங்கில் சாத்தியப்படாத பெண்ணுடலின் அரசியலைப் பேசியது. உல்லாசம் என்பது உல்லாசம். விஷாத என்பது மனக் கிலேசம், மன உளைச்சல். விஷாதத்தை உடல் துய்ப்பின் மூலம் தாண்டுவது குறித்த நாடகம் இது. நாடகத்தில் வசனம் இல்லை என்பதால் மொழியைக் கடந்து எல்லோரும் கண்டு ரசிக்க ஏதுவானது.

நிர்வாணமான பெண் உடல்கள் தமது துய்ப்புக்கான சாத்தியங்களைத் தேடிய இந்த நாடகத்தை இலங்கை அரசு தடை செய்யவில்லை; சில பத்திரிகையாளர்களும் சில மூத்த எழுத்தாளர்களும் அரசு அதிகாரிகளும் கலந்து கொண்டார்கள். நாடகத்தை ஒளிப்பதிவு செய்ய நான் கொஞ்சம் பண உதவி செய்தேன். ஒளிப்பதிவு முழுமையடைந்து எடிட்டிங் வேலையும் முடிந்திருந்தால் இந்த நாடகத்தின் குறுந்தகட்டை பலரும் விலை கொடுத்து வாங்கலாம். ஆறு மாதங்கள் ஒத்திகை நடந்திருக்கிறது. சில லட்சங்கள் செலவாகியிருக்கிறது. ஒரு பைசா வருமானம் இல்லை. நதீகாவின் நாடக ஆர்வமே காரணம் என்று சொன்னால் அது நதீகாவின் ஒட்டு மொத்த கலை ஆளுமையைக் குறைத்து மதிப்பிடுவதாகும்.

நதீகா பண்டாரவின் சினிமாவும் இப்படித்தான் பெண்ணின் உடல் அரசியலைப் பேசியது. ஆனால் அவளுடைய சினிமாவை விட நாடகம் கலாபூர்வமாக பல மடங்கு உயர்ந்த நிலையை அடைந்திருந்தது. நதீகாவின் நாவல்களும் இப்படியே. ஆக, நதீகா ஒரு முழுமையான கலை ஆளுமை. ஆனால் எங்கோ வனத்தில் பெருகி ஓடும் அருவியாக யாருமறியாமல் கிடக்கிறாள். அவளுடைய கலையின் ஜுவாலையை எதிர்கொள்ள முடியாமல் இலங்கை சிங்கள எழுத்தாளர்கள் அவளைப் பற்றி எதுவும் பேசுவதில்லை. கேகே சமன் குமர மட்டுமே விதிவிலக்கு. காரணம், நதீகா கேகேயிடமிருந்து உருவானவள். கேகேயின் பெண் வடிவம்.

Nadeeka Bandara's Ha Ha Ha Ullasa Vishadha: Drama

 Hilarious poison

When I visited Sri Lanka I stayed with KK Saman Kumar and Nathika. I had recorded those experiences in my Ullasam Ullasam novel. Cini said that Nathika's part is weak in it, so I am writing it more strongly.

I have been in Delhi for twelve years and am aware of international theater trends. The theater industry is still not as developed as I thought it would be. If ten or twelve people have to come naked in my play, if there are sex scenes, all that is not allowed. Even in America it is only possible in alternative theatres. I don't know much about it. TDR TDR The Drama Review Even in America it is only possible in alternative theatres. I don't know much about it. TDR The drama review, abbreviated as The Drama Review, also lacks much detail.

But cinema is not like that. Ryu Murakami's films go beyond blue films. You may have seen the pictures of Catherine Breillat. An example is the film Romance. But that is not possible in dramas. Government agencies do not allow it. In this case Nathika's hahaha hilarity speaks volumes about the politics of the female body, which is impossible in the international theatre. Fun is fun. Vishada means mental distress, mental distress. It is a drama about transcending evil through body wash. Since the play does not have dialogues, it can be enjoyed by everyone regardless of language.

The Sri Lankan government did not ban this drama where naked female bodies sought the possibilities of their washing; Some journalists, some senior writers and government officials attended. I helped a little financially to film the play. If the cinematography is complete and the editing work is done, many people can buy the CD of this drama.
If the cinematography is complete and the editing work is done, many people can buy the CD of this drama. Rehearsals have been going on for six months. A few lakhs have been spent. Not a single penny of income. To say that Nathika's penchant for theater is the reason is to underestimate Nathika's total artistic personality.
Nathika Bandara's cinema also spoke about women's body politics in this way. But her theater was artistically many times higher than her cinema. Nathika's novels are also like this. Thus, Nathika is a complete artistic personality. But somewhere in the forest she lies unnoticed as a flowing waterfall. 

Unable to face the flame of her art, Sri Lankan Sinhalese writers say nothing about her.
Unable to face the flame of her art, Sri Lankan Sinhalese writers say nothing about her. KK Saman Kumar is the only exception. The reason is that Nathika is descended from KK. Feminine form of KK.

April 4, 2024

Charu Nivedita

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

The body of the rebel by Charu Nivedita & Ullasa Vishada by Nadeeka Bandara

Trailer link-

programme  link-


The body of the rebel

They are going to stage it.

Why did I say “in a grand manner”? Nadeeka's films and plays are mostly dialogue-free. There is no verse in Ullasa Vishadha. Such is  Artaud's theory of drama. But my play on Artaud is made up of verses. So it should be staged in a grand manner. If the lighting and stage setups are grand, then the scripted play will be perfect.

It takes money to stage like that. I have decided to raise funds from the Sinhalese people. I will not disturb my Tamil readers. Sri Lankan Tamils will not give money. know that. Just ask the Sinhalese.

I am not KK. KK and I are polar opposites in this regard.

Seventy people watched the hilarious play. Not a single person bought a ticket. Not a single person donated. My play will not be like that. In Colombo I will stage the Artaud play by giving notices from street to street and selling tickets by standing at the entrance of every college in Colombo.

KK is an amazing actor. His speech is dramatic. Artaud also talks like that. KK narrated the lines spoken by Artaud in my Artaud play. Print original Artaud. Like Artaud, KK has no front teeth. Same feeling. Same sin. The same enthusiasm. KK plays the role of Artaud in the play Artaud. Sitting on the banks of Nachchimalai, fifteen kilometers from Padukka, KK read and acted half of my Artaud play, I will never forget in my life.

After reading the play Nadeeka says, this play is ours. This is our life. The only difference was, we were not given an electric shock.

I said they have given me a wood stove instead.

Artaud drama will be staged in Colombo in June. KK is Artaud.

It is interesting to note that not a single Tamil was present when the Ullasa Vishada play was staged in Colombo. I am curious to see how many Tamils will come to my Artaud play which will be written in Tamil, translated into English, translated from English to Sinhala and staged in Sinhala. I hope about thirty of my friends from Tamilnadu will come. Set aside a Saturday in June for it. I will tell you the date later.

Charu Nivedita 

Sinhala Cultural Environment -1

June 12, 2023

Thirty five years ago in Madurai, I made a decision when I staged a play called Second Act. As long as I am alive, I will not be able to stage a play in Tamil, in Tamil Nadu. Whenever my friends ask me why, I say that the costumes of the actors in my plays are unbearable for the culturalists here, and sometimes the characters even come naked. Good times, I am alive because my art is writing and Tamils hate reading. Because check out the outfits of the characters on the following website. Is this possible in Tamil Nadu? Is it possible in the Sri Lankan Tamil environment? An LGBT procession has just taken place in Jaffna.

In the previous article, I wrote about the Sinhala cultural environment. Today K.K. Solanas Archive posted a website. Take a little look inside. Nadeeka Bandara is the main character of the play.


Ha- Ha- Ha-
Ullasa -Vishadha

Sunday, February 13, 2022

හා.. හා.. හා...(උල්ලාස- විශාද) 19 දා....

පර්යේෂණාත්මක අභිචාර රංගයක් ලෙස
නදීකා බණ්ඩාරගේ නවතම රංග කාර්යය

හා හා හා-උල්ලාස විශාද

මංගල දර්ශනය 2022 පෙබරවාරි 19 වැනිදා පව: 7.00ට මහල්වරාව බේකරිය සංස්කෘතික අවකාශයේදී රංග ගත වේ.

නදීකා බණ්ඩාර, මුරුගන් එමා, සුසන්ත ප්‍රදීප්, කසුන් ජයරත්න, ජෙනිටස් පෙරේරා, සිසිර වෙඩික්කාර, ගයානි නිසංසලා, ඉෆෙනාචෝ නිනීකා ජෝසප්, අමාලි රසාංගිකා රංගනයෙන් දායක වන අතර සංගීත නිර්මාණය පාලිත අබේරත්න සහ ශාක්‍ය වීරසිංහගෙනි.
ප්‍රේම් ජයන්ත කපුගේ අංග රචනයෙන්ද මුරුගන් එමා රංග වස්ත්‍ර නිර්මාණයෙන්ද, අජිත් සංජීව පසුතල, රංග භාණ්ඩ නිර්මාණයෙන් හා වේදිකා කළමණාකරණයෙන්ද එක්වේ.

Friday, February 19, 2021

‘කොරිඩෝව’ ජීවිතයට කැඩපතක් ඇල්වීමක්

කාව්‍යය හෝ පද්‍යය සියවස් ගණනාවක් මුළුල්ලේ අලංකාර, ධ්වනිය, ව්‍යංගය වැනි කාව්‍ය උපක්‍රම මත රඳා පැවතිණි. නදීකාගේ “කොරිඩෝව” තුළ අපට හමුවන කවි එම කාව්‍ය මාර්ගය විසංයෝජනය කරයි. ප්‍රතිකවියේත්, චිත්තරූපවාදයේත්, විරෝධාභාසවාදයේත් මාර්ගය අනුදත් නදීකාගේ කවි සුන්දරකරණය කරන ලද, ගූඩකරණය කරන ලද ස්ත්‍රී පුරුෂ සබඳතා මෙන්ම ජීවිතය නග්න කොට අප හමුවට ගෙනෙයි.

කාව්‍යමය අලංකරණයන් බැහැර ලන ඇය භාවයන් හා රසයන් අතර ස්ථාපිත කරන ලද්දා වූ චීන මහා ප්‍රාකාරය බිඳ දමමින්ද, ස්ථායීභාවයන්හි වහල් මෙහෙයට බැඳ දමා තිබූ ව්‍යභිචාරී භාවයන් දාස බවින් මුදා හරිමින්ද, ජීවිතයේ ප්‍රාථමික ආශයන් හා සහජයානිකත්වය නිදහස් කොට ජීවිතය, ආදරය, ලිංගිකත්වය,

හා ස්ත්‍රී පුරුෂ සබඳතාවල ගූඩත්වය මෙන්ම මායාව හරණය කරයි. එමගින් ඒකාකෘතිකයන්, පිළිරූකරණයන්, අධිනිශ්චයන් බිඳ දමයි. “කොරිඩෝව” කවිය විසින් සළුපිළි හන්දා  ෆැන්ටසිකරණය කොට තිබූ ජීවිතය නග්න කොට ඒ සියල්ලේ විරෝධාභාසය අපට මුහුණට මුහුණ සම්මුඛ කරන කැඩපතකි. 

කවිය තුළ සදාතනික ආශා වස්තුව වූ ස්ත්‍රිය වස්තුවක් බවට පත්වීමට එරෙහිව ගසන කැරැල්ලකි. ස්ත්‍රිය තමාගේ ආශාව ගැන කරන fදාඩමළුවකි. පුරුෂ දැක්මට ලක් වූ ස්ත්‍රියගේ පීඩාව ස්ත්‍රී දැක්මක් තුළින් මුදා හැරීමකි. කැඩපත බිඳ පිළිබිඹුව එළියට කඩා පැනීමකි කොරිඩෝව.

කේ. කේ. සමන් කුමාර

Monday, April 6, 2020

'තෙත් භූමි' නිර්භීත ප්‍රකාශනයක්

නදීකාගෙ 'තෙත් භූමි' නාට්‍යය මා දැක්ක නිර්භීත ප්‍රකාශනයක්. 

-ප්‍රියන්ත කළුආරච්චි

Nadeeka Bandara good job!!!!

-Nadie Wasalamudaliarachchi

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Anyway superb event.

මම තෙත් භූමි බැලුවා.

මාතර ඉදන් ආවෙ තෙත් භූමි ගැන දැනගෙන.නියම රංගනයක් දැක්කා විශේෂයෙන් ඔබ තුලින්.

Anyway superb event.

තව තවත් මේ වැනි කලා වැඩසටහන් බිහිවන්නේ නම් ලාංකීය කලාව හිරවී ඇති සංස්කෘතිය නැමති කලලයෙන් එලියට පැමින ලෝකය සමග තරගකාරී ගමනක් යෑමට අපටත් හැකිවේ යැයි සිතමි.

Chameen Rashmika
2019- 12- 29

10 September  2018 at 12:43

This play "Wet lands" by Nadeeka Bandara 
is an awesome play...
it's so alive, energetic, violent and cruel. 
It will make you uncomfortable 
but it will also make you think...